Skateboarding is a perfect workout that helps you to train multiple parts of the body. Besides improving flexibility and balance, it will burn your calories. You may want to know about how many calories does skateboarding burn. In this article, I will pinpoint on this.
Like any other action sports, burning calories are depending on certain things like aggressiveness and frequency of skateboarding. Definitely, you will lose weight by skateboarding on regular basis. If you skate aggressively, you can burn about 800 calories in one hour.
While driving the skateboard, you will be able to burn around 300-400 calories in one hour. We will calculate it herein. So friends, without any hesitation, let’s dig into this article.
As I told you earlier that some factors attribute calorie burning equation. Hence it will depend on your weight and age. Plus, the intensity will be responsible too. A recent study has shown; your heart rate has a strong connection in burning calories. The Journal of Sports and Science has developed a new formula on the basis of your age, sex, weight, duration of the exercise, and heart rate.
This formula is only applicable to an individual like athletes or sportsperson. Because they have a higher heart rate around 90-150 beats per minute. If we apply this formula in the person who has a lower heart rate, this formula will not correct. So we will not focus on this.
Another study has conducted by Harvard Medical school. According to their data, calculation of the calorie burn during skateboarding is as follows-
- A person with 125 pounds weight will burn about 300 kilocalories during a one-hour session of skateboarding.
- A person with 155 pounds weight will burn about 372 kilocalories during a one-hour session of skateboarding.
- A person with 185 pounds weight will burn about 444 kilocalories during a one-hour session of skateboarding.
Although, skateboarding has less efficiency in comparison with cycling and running. But it is obviously an amusing method of burning calories. Riding a skateboard for 5 hours over a week, you will be able to burn around 1500-2220 calories which will vary according to your weight.
But if you add a balanced diet and other sports with it, you will be able to burn fat rapidly. But you have to concern about the food you are taking. If you only eat junk foods all day long, it will be very difficult for you to burn calories. Along with amusement and fun, you will be able to get a slim body by skateboarding.
1. How many calories do you burn skateboarding for 30 minutes?
For 30 minutes of skateboarding, you will burn about 250-670 calories. But it will depend on your weight and the speed of skating. For example, if your weight is 150 lbs, you will burn 250 calories in a half-hour duration.
2. How many calories does skateboarding a mile burn?
A mile skateboarding needs approximately 6-10 minutes. It will depend on fitness, wheel size, bearings, etc as well as your body weight. So you are able to burn around 60-100 calories per mile.
Above this statistical analysis, I am sure that you will get an adequate idea about how many calories do skateboarding burn. So friends, if you want to lose weight by calories burned skateboarding, let’s start a ride with a good quality skateboard.
From long walks to martial arts, almost any exercise yields more good than bad. These physical activities make our bodies fit and more able to perform daily tasks. And which makes me surprised that skateboard burns about 400 calories per hour. Now I think I can lose weight by skateboard. Thank guys.