Skateboarding is a very popular sport. It is a great way to have entertainment. It is also an amazing form of exercise. However, it has some negative attention.
Is skateboarding dangerous in reality? Like any other sport, it has some risk like a nasty injury. According to scientific studies, skateboarding is not more dangerous than other sports.
Many parents are alarmed because skateboarding is often described as an “extreme sport”. Perhaps younger people are more vulnerable to injury because they are not much more skilled and experienced.
In the U.S, each year 1,500 children and adolescents are hospitalized. By seeing this number, there is nothing to fear. It is not a dangerous game. Lack of proper education and knowledge people fall in injury.
You should read this article to learn how to overcome injury.
The Dangers of Skateboarding
Risk is everywhere and every aspect of life. Driving your car and cycling your cycle is dangerous. There is a risk of being messed in a collision. In ski, you can miss the control and tumble down in a dangerous place.
Similarly, skateboarding has some risks. Fractures, head trauma, concussion, dislocations, swollen elbows, painful joints, or broken bones can occur with skateboarding. Some tricks of skateboarding are more dangerous can cause fall and collision.
A great deal of balance and agility will help you to reduce nasty injuries.
Why Is Skateboarding Dangerous?
On average, almost half of all skateboarding injuries involve children under age 15 and skateboarding is the risk for young children because:
- They have a higher center of gravity.
- Less developed skills
- Overconfidence
- Less aware of their surroundings
- Poor balance
- Slower reaction times
- Less coordination than adults
- Inexperience in judging speed, traffic, and other risks.
These lackings make children more likely to fall and hurt their heads.
Skateboarding Safety Tips
In any game, there is the risk less or more. However, it is possible to reduce these injuries by using appropriate safety equipment and guidelines before starting the game. You should try these safety measurements to reduce injury.
Wear Protective Gear to Prevent Injury
Proper equipment can save you from skateboarding injury even skateboarding deaths! Empty your pockets of all sharp and hard objects.
Wear protective gear like wrist guard, a helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads, depending on your skill level.
Don’t wear unfitted shoes, pads, and old deck with sharp edges. These can put you at risk.
The brain is the most important part of your body. Brain injury can ruin you. So, use your brain if you don’t want to attack the most severe traumas.
A helmet is vital equipment. It can save you from the most serious skateboarding injury. So, always wear a properly fitting helmet before starting.
Wrist Guards
Wrist guards have much usefulness. It can prevent you from many unwanted injuries, such as breaking wrist, nasty scratches, and bruises.
Elbow Pads
Without elbow pads, an elbow is likely to more dangerous and painful. If you are continuously facing accidents, use elbow pads to lower the risk of pain.
Knee Pads
Though many of you feel discomfort wearing knee pads, I suggest you wear them. These will protect your knees, as well as help you to develop falling techniques.
You can choose soft knee pads. Wear pads under your pants. You can wear one (place it on the side you usually fall), or both pads. Always try to fall on your knee pads and slide.
Wear Proper Clothing
During skate consider a comfortable dress. Avoid skinny type jeans. This limits your movement. You can wear sturdy pants. You can also consider thick cottons, like canvas or herringbone.
Skateboarding Socks
Wear proper socks that can breathe and support for toes and heels. Good socks prevent blisters and bad smells.
Proper Shoes
Select perfect shoes that can take impact and prevent heel injury. Heel injury takes a longer time to heal.
Tight shoes block the blood vessels and toes get numb.
Loose shoes increase the risk in sprained ankles. Choose top quality shoes.
Use a High-Quality Skateboard
Buy a professional skateboard. It is made of quality components. The professional skateboard is more safe and reliable.
Weather Conditions
It is often given less importance but weather conditions can increase risk. In winter and autumn, snow, ice, and rain make skateboard and road surface slippery. Skating in wet conditions is dangerous.
Fallen leaves are also another risk factor, can cause you to fall. It is better to avoid these weather conditions. If you are just a beginner, you can visit your local indoor skatepark. It is a great place to learn.
Safe places to Skateboard
The best place to skate is your local skatepark because its surface is quite smooth. Avoid traffic and crowded places, if you are a beginner. You can go to the park in the morning.
Before starting skateboarding overlook the surface for glass, screw, rocks, or anything that might responsible for a perilous cut or could cause a death.
Indoor skateparks are also better for skateboarding. Indoor skateparks are usually safe because they are supervised by the people.
Skateboarding Safety Tips for Kids
Skateboarding is more popular among kids. As kids are not experienced, and less aware of their surroundings, they are more prone to injury.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, kids should not start skateboarding before 6 years old. At the ages of 6-10, parents are recommended highly to supervise their kids at all times.
Things you should concern:
- Make sure protective gear
- Avoid cheap skateboards
- Choose areas that are located away from motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
Frequently asked questions
Can skateboarding kill you?
Skateboarding can kill you. If you lose control, a fatal injury to the head can lead to death.
Is skateboarding more dangerous than football?
No. It is not more dangerous than football or any other sports according to scientific studies.
How many skateboarding injuries are there in a year?
More than 64,500 U.S. children are treated in hospital emergency rooms each year.
Is skateboarding more dangerous than biking?
No! Skateboarding isn’t more dangerous than biking. But skateboarding is quite risky if you want to apply trick on it.
The Takeaway…
Is skateboarding injuries dangerous? Skateboarding injuries are infrequent and not severe. The use of protective gear may lower the risk of injuries.
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