If you ask my opinion on skateboarding in the rain or wet… then I have no direct answer for this. Some say riding skateboards in the rain is fun and a totally new experience. While others say they cannot skate properly in rain or wet place and it’s just a waste of energy.
Skateboarding in the wet or rain can never give the same feeling and fun as a dry place. You will not be able to try any tricks as the ground will be wet.
Moreover, you have a high chance to slip on the wet ground which can give you a serious injury. If you are not a professional skater then skateboarding in rain or wet is not recommended.
Can You Skateboard In The Rain?

People who do skateboarding on a regular basis can be seen skating on rainy days as well. Skateboarding can be done in the off-seasons but in the rainy season, it is really risky. If you have a basement or indoor place then you can practice skateboarding there rather than practicing in a wet place. As much as possible try not to get your skateboard because,
- The bearings will slowly deteriorate from inside
- The grip tape could peel off
- The deck can get water clogged
- The bolts and nuts can rust
Is it bad to ride a longboard in the rain? It is a very common question many people ask. You can longboard in the rain but it is not a wise idea. Some may say longboarding in the rain is fun and a great way to learn different skating techniques. And some will say it is risky for you and not good for the skateboard as well. The skateboard can soak water and it becomes heavy. This can make the skateboard slow and will not provide a smooth ride like before.
However, if you want to ride a longboard and have the experience you should dry your longboard as soon as you are done riding. Do not keep it wet and dirty.
If you have an electric skateboard with remote, you may think it will be easy to ride in the rain… But you are wrong!
Think about it… Electric boards are powered by batteries and are also filled with wires. How can you think about mixing your fastest electric skateboard with rain or wet!
1. Where can you skate when it rains?
You can do skateboarding in your basement, garage, or indoor playroom when it rains outside. You can also practice on a carpet in your room if you don’t have a basement or garage. People also skate on their rooftops but that seems risky to me. So I will not recommend anyone to do skateboarding on rooftops.
You can also look for any abandoned buildings or garages near your house if you want to skate with your friends. You can also search for indoor skating places which are used for skating on off-seasons mainly.
2. How do you protect your skateboard from the rain?
If you really want to have a new experience and do skateboarding in the wet, there are a couple of ways to protect your skateboard to some extent. Firstly, change your wheels to rain wheels. Rain wheels are used in the place of normal wheels just to do skating in the rain. Then use a floor sealer or an artist’s fixative spray on the board. It will protect the wood board but it will not last long so it has to be reapplied after every wet ride.
After skateboarding takes a clean cloth and wipe the full skateboard properly and keep it in a dry place.
3. Can you ride penny boards in the rain?
Penny boards are fun to do skateboarding with but it is not recommended to use in the rain. Penny boards are small thus while riding in the rain you will not be able to hold the grip. It can easily slip and you may get a serious injury. Moreover, you will not be able to do any tricks with the penny board in rain.
In conclusion, I would like to say, it is better not to do skateboarding in the rain or wet place. Find a dry place if you don’t want to keep yourself away from skateboarding during the rainy season.
However, if you want to experience skateboarding in a rainy day then don’t forget to take some of the protections that I mentioned above to protect your skateboard.
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